Frequently Asked Questions

How many squares are you looking for?

As many as it takes to make a quilt! If more squares arrive that is necessary for a quilt then another quilt will be made and so forth.

What are you doing with the stories that are sent with the squares?

My plan is to either blog the details about the square or to place it into a book, or perhaps both. Everyone deserves to be remembered and I can think of no better way of doing so than by making a memorial quilt.

Can I include pictures and other items with the squares?

Yes, of course you can. The blog and/or book is about commemorating the life of a loved one. If you would like to include a photograph with your square that is fine. Alternatively you can email me images of your loved one. In the first instance complete the contact form then I can be sure to connect your picture and square to the correct write up.

How are the quilts to be sold?

I am still deciding. It could be that people write and ask me if they can purchase the finished quilt or the quilt(s) can be sold by auction.

Who chooses the charity or organisation that gets the money?

Essentially me, but I am open to suggestions and would actively encourage that. Typically I would like the funds to be given to a Polio organisation, but I will be flexible. All announcements  and suggestions will be made using this blog.

I want to take part, how much does it cost?

It costs nothing, other than your time to create the square(s), walk to the post box and the postage to the United Kingdom.

Still have questions?

Then complete the contact me form and ask away.

1 Response to Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Pingback: Official Launch of The In Memory of Quilt | The In Memory of……Quilt

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